ThreadSafeReference and child relationships of new objects

I am trying to make an extension to support writing realm objects on a background thread. (I followed another realm doc tutorial.)

When you make a ThreadSafeReference of an unmanaged object, it crashes. I solved that issue by added a condition to my block to changed if the object was managed, and write normally otherwise.

My issue arises in that I do most of my reads on the main thread. So, when I create a new object A that has a property that references another object B which happens to be managed, I cannot make a ThreadSafeReference, but it also crashes when trying to write because B is “managed” by a different thread.

Any ideas?

private static func writeAsync<T: ThreadConfined>(object: T, block: @escaping (Realm, T) -> Void) {
        if let realm = object.realm {
            let wrappedObject = ThreadSafeReference(to: object)
            backgroundQueue.async {
                autoreleasepool {
                    let realm = try! Realm(configuration: realm.configuration)
                    let object = realm.resolve(wrappedObject)
                    guard let object = object else { return }
                    try! realm.write {
                        block(realm, object)
        } else {
            backgroundQueue.async {
                let realm = try! Realm()
                try! realm.write {
                    block(realm, object)