Sync compatible rows

When using Flutter Realm I can see following error in my logs:

using sync incompatible role “owner” for table “Match”. this role will default to deny all access. consider changing this role to be sync compatible (ProtocolErrorCode=201)

I feel like I have not seen this error before and my codebase already grew too much to narrow the issue down.

Does anyone experiences this before or know what this error means? My memory tells me, that I did not get this error in the past.

This is the rule:

"Match": [
        "name": "owner",
        "applyWhen": {},
        "read": true,
        "write": {
          "$or": [
              "user1Id": {
                "%stringToOid": ""
              "user2Id": {
                "%stringToOid": ""

Thanks for reporting. We have identified a bug and will be fixing it.

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I have started seeing this as well, using App Services with the Swift SDK.