Sync between Realm App and Compass

We have a simple swift app, that listens to a simple UserData table. If we make changes in the Realm App everything syncs fine. The code that listens to the changes looks like this

        let results = RealmManager.shared.userRealm.objects(UserData.self)
        self.notificationToken = results.observe { (changes: RealmCollectionChange) in
            switch changes {
            case .initial:
                if results.count > 0 {
           = results[0].name
            case .update(let results, _, _, _):
                if results.count > 0 {
           = results[0].name
            case .error(let error):
                // An error occurred while opening the Realm file on the background worker thread

If we edit the data in Compass, we do not get an update call back. However, if we log out, reopen the Realm, re-set up the listener, everything works fine. Is this a known issue and are there any work arounds?


@Richard_Krueger This is a known issue with Compass - when you edit a document with Compass under the hood it is actually doing a DELETE and INSERT - to get around this use a MongoDB SDK to just update the fields you need and the update notification will fire.

@Ian_Ward Ok that is good to know. As I said, it seems to work fine when two separate MongoDB Realm app instances are changing the data, just not when we change the data in Compass. I am still not missing Realm Studio, although it did not have this problem. Compass is a way more featured product.