Swift Package Manager (SPM) - Is Strip-Frameworks.sh Needed?

Q: Is Strip-Frameworks.sh still required when integrating Realm database using Swift Package Manager (SPM). Details below.

I am new to Realm. I integrated Realm database package into my project using SPM since Cocoapods wasn’t working for me.

Installation instructions at https://realm.io/docs/swift/latest/ for Swift using the Frameworks route for integrating Realm into your project, the following is a required step as part of build phase script:

bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/Realm.framework/strip-frameworks.sh"

Since I am using SPM and i didn’t see any instructions for SPM, I am wondering if the above script is required when using SPM. The build fails in this case saying no such file or directory.

Hence my question above.