Storing Images for E-Commerce Application

Ok… I’m a newbe when it comes to MongoDB but I have a question that need a little more info on than just typing in a Google Search…

I am building a version of an E-Commerce platform… I need to allow store owners to upload images (max of 5) for a product image gallery…

My question is what is the best way to store them… My initial thought is to store them in their own database external to MongoDB and just link to the image through Embedded docs in the Product collection.

Is this the best way… Or is there other options for me to look at?

Hello @David_Thompson, take a look at this post with discussion and information about storing images in MongoDB database:

Using an external database is a great choice as long as you’re able to keep track of the images with Embedded docs in a Product collection. It’ll be helpful to have a system to keep the files organized, so you can quickly and easily access them when needed. If you have the resources, you could set up a cloud storage system to help you store and organize your images in the cloud. However, if you’re looking for more customized solutions and high-quality e-commerce web development services, check out to automate every step of your digital commerce funnel and improve your platform performance. No matter what you decide, I’m sure you’ll come up with a great solution for your project.