Show your project - get swag!

Hello Hackers…

We hope you are all deep into your projects now and the finish line is in sight!

We are livestreaming again tomorrow and we’d love for some brave souls to join us to share their progress so far? Anyone up for it? If so, you will earn this fine item of clothing -

and of course, our eternal kudos :pray: and gratitude :+1: for your bravery and sense of community!

C’mon - don’t be shy! Just reply to this post and we’ll swing an invite your way…and in time (postage/shipping delays notwithstanding), you’ll be wearing exclusive hacakthon swag!


Hi, I do have participated in world hackathon!

Thanks for the reply. Do you have something to demo with us on the Livestream? If so, let me know, and I’ll pop you an invite.