Return only matching array via Data API

Hi, I can’t find any documentation on how to return only the matching arrays using the data-api endpoint /action/findOne.

This is the query I’m using


This is what my document scheme looks like:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "630ec5d1840fae32479fbc72"
  "host": "host-sandbox",
  "person": {
    "fullName": "Placeholder",
  "company": [
      "name": "name",
      "size": "9",
      "email": "email",
      "website": "website",
      "gpStatus": "valid",
      "industry": "Law Practice",
      "position": "Senior Counsel ",
      "companyOrder": "1",
      "verifyStatus": "success",
      "pipedrive": {
        "sync": "ready",
        "orgId": "1"
      "verifyProcessed": true,
      "verifyResults": "valid"
      "name": "name2",
      "size": "9",
      "email": "email2",
      "website": "website2",
      "gpStatus": "valid",
      "industry": "Law Practice",
      "position": "Senior Counsel ",
      "companyOrder": "1",
      "verifyStatus": "success",
      "pipedrive": {
        "sync": "ready",
        "orgId": "2"
      "verifyProcessed": true,
      "verifyResults": "valid"
  "importName": "testing_import"

this is what I would like the query to return:

      "name": "name2",
      "size": "9",
      "email": "email2",
      "website": "website2",
      "gpStatus": "valid",
      "industry": "Law Practice",
      "position": "Senior Counsel ",
      "companyOrder": "1",
      "verifyStatus": "success",
      "pipedrive": {
        "sync": "ready",
        "orgId": "2"

Thank you so much for your help!

Hi @spencerm,

I believe you can use the aggregate action for the API request to achieve a similar output with the $filter operator. I’ve made a very simple example based off the sample document you have provided which only filters based off the objects within the "company" array and if those object’s have a "name" field value of "name2". You can alter the pipeline and condition accordingly based off your use case and requirements.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'api-key: <MY_API_KEY>' \
--data-raw '{
    "pipeline": [
          "$addFields": {
          "$project": {"_id":0,"filteredArray":1}

Response (formatted):

        "industry":"Law Practice",
        "position":"Senior Counsel ",

Hope this helps.



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