Recent activities of my friends with MongoDB


I would like to get a list of my friends’ recent activities.
I have two collections I use, friends and activities.
I first go through all my activities from the most recent to the oldest, and then I get for each of them their list of friends.
This works, but is not optimised if there are for example a large number of activities, it will take a long time. That’s why I think that starting from friends to get their activities and then sorting them would be better, but I don’t know how to do it.

This is the schema of the friends:

exports.friendModel = model(
  new Schema({
    FriendId: Number,
    RequesterId: Number,
    ReceiverId: Number,
    Status: Number

This is the schema of the activities:

exports.activityModel = model(
  new Schema({
    ActivityId: Number,
    ActorId: Number,
    Type: Number,
    _Date: Date,
    MovieId: Number,
    FriendId: Number,
    ContestId: Number,
    LookId: Number

This is my aggregate query:

const activities = await activityModel.aggregate([
    { $sort: { _Date: -1 } },
    { $lookup: {
      from: "friends",
      localField: "ActorId",
      foreignField: "ReceiverId",
      as: "friend"
    { $lookup: {
      from: "friends",
      localField: "ActorId",
      foreignField: "RequesterId",
      as: "friend"
    { $match: {
      $or: [
          "friend.ReceiverId": ActorId,
          "friend.Status": 1
          "friend.RequesterId": ActorId,
          "friend.Status": 1
    { $skip: request.pageindex * 3 },
    { $limit: 3 }

Can you please help me?
Thank you in advance for your reply!
