RealmObject cannot be called as a function - Only Android

Getting RealmObject configuration issue when using @realm/react. It happens when using one of the functions, const {useRealm, useQuery, useObject} = TaskContext;. This issue is observed only on android, for iOS it works well. I referred the document template as specified in the link.


@Tejas_Sadrani Were you able to solve this issue? I am also facing the same.

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Im having the same problems any updates ?

@karl_gandhi Hello, I was able to resolve the issue by downgrading react-native-reanimated from v2 to v1. I also had to downgrade one more package because it was using reanimated v2. I found the solution here. :+1:

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I have the same problem, on Android. Once I get the result from useQuery, and the trying to use it as an Array, there is the problem.

Maybe this Realm object must be converted into an Array?

It is not only that, it’s a problem with realm, Error: RealmObject cannot be called as a function

keeps happening all the time, even with the template downloaded from

Just using the template and has the same problem.

It appears to be a problem with the sync and the user, after terminate and restart, it’s working fine. But it is not clear the error when it gives this error: RealmObject cannot be called as a function