Realm Swift and new Switft 5.5 Concurrency Model?

I’m wondering if anyone has tried using the new Swift 5.5 concurrency features with Realm Swift.

I’ve read

I’m a little tired of the ThreadSafeReference / DispatchQueue / autoreleasepool / do-catch / newRealm / newRealm.resolve / write block boilerplate.

I understand the rule: “Avoid writes on the UI thread if you write on a background thread:”. However, I’m wondering ow @MainActor shown at WWDC21 can work with Realm-Swift?

Hi @Adam_Ek we definitely believe that there are features announced at WWDC that we can exploit for the Swift SDK. We’ll share more here ASAP

I’m trying this approach right now.

Did you find a satisfying approach? It’s a bit hard to find great modern examples