Query between two dates returns unexpected documents

How would I write a query which checks the Children.DateOfBirth and finds all documents between 01-01-2017 and 01-01-2018?
I am storing the DOB as a string, transforming them in the pipeline, then applying the filtering for the DOB. However I am getting back documents that are outside the given date range.

Here is how my documents look like:

This is the aggregation pipeline that I am using:

[{$set: {
Children: {
  $map: {
   input: '$Children',
   'in': {
    DateOfBirthDateTime: {
     $cond: [
       $ne: [
       $toDate: '$$this.DateOfBirth'
    Name: '$$this.Name'
}}, {$match: {
'Children.DateOfBirthDateTime': {
  $gte: ISODate('2017-01-01'),
  $lte: ISODate('2018-01-01')

Hi @Laura_Mazarini and welcome in the MongoDB Community :muscle: !

I think your pipeline works as intended but I suspect that you are getting results that you don’t expect because you are working on an array and not a single value.

With your current pipeline if ONE child within the array is in the range, you get the entire doc (with the entire array of children in it).

I illustrated this here in Compass:

The doc with a single child born in 2008 is discarded while the one with 2 children born in 2008 and 2010 is selected.

If you only want the 2nd child, you must $unwind the array first to break the array.


Hi Maxime! Thanks for the answer, however is still not getting me the wanted result.

In your example the date range filter that you are using is “2009-01-01” to “2010-01-01”. However you are getting back a document in which none of the dates from the Children array is between the given ones, since the DOB for child1 is “2008-05-05” and the DOB for child2 is “2010-05-05”. The second child matches the year, but it is out of the date range with more than 4 months. This is exactly my issue as well.

If any of the Children’s DOB form the array falls within the date range I want the entire document, so I don’t think the unwind is wanted for my scenario. I need to search the entire array, but like in your example I get back some false positives.

Oops my bad :joy: ! I went a little too fast on this one !

You need a $elemMatch to make sure that your filter applies to the same array element.

I tested again with a few examples to prove it’s working fine this time. :+1:

test [direct: primary] test> db.coll.drop()
test [direct: primary] test> db.coll.insertMany([{Children: [{DateOfBirth: "2010-05-05"}, {DateOfBirth: "2012-06-06"}]},{Children: [{DateOfBirth: "2008-02-02"}]}])
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedIds: {
    '0': ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce2"),
    '1': ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce3")
test [direct: primary] test> db.coll.find()
    _id: ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce2"),
    Children: [ { DateOfBirth: '2010-05-05' }, { DateOfBirth: '2012-06-06' } ]
    _id: ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce3"),
    Children: [ { DateOfBirth: '2008-02-02' } ]
test [direct: primary] test> db.coll.aggregate([
...   {
...     '$set': {
...       'Children': {
...         '$map': {
...           'input': '$Children', 
...           'in': {
...             'DateOfBirthDateTime': {
...               '$cond': [
...                 {
...                   '$ne': [
...                     '$$this.DateOfBirth', ''
...                   ]
...                 }, {
...                   '$toDate': '$$this.DateOfBirth'
...                 }, null
...               ]
...             }, 
...             'Name': '$$this.Name'
...           }
...         }
...       }
...     }
...   }, {
...     '$match': {
...       'Children': {
...         '$elemMatch': {
...           'DateOfBirthDateTime': {
...             '$gte': new Date('Sun, 01 Jan 2017 00:00:00 GMT'), 
...             '$lte': new Date('Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 GMT')
...           }
...         }
...       }
...     }
...   }
... ])

test [direct: primary] test> db.coll.aggregate([ { '$set': { 'Children': { '$map': { 'input': '$Children', 'in': { 'DateOfBirthDateTime': { '$cond': [ { '$ne': [ '$$this.DateOfBirth', ''] }, { '$toDate': '$$this.DateOfBirth' }, null] }, 'Name': '$$this.Name' } } } } }, { '$match': { 'Children': { '$elemMatch': { 'DateOfBirthDateTime': { '$gte': new Date('Sun, 01 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT'), '$lte': new Date('Wed, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT') } } } } }])
    _id: ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce3"),
    Children: [ { DateOfBirthDateTime: ISODate("2008-02-02T00:00:00.000Z") } ]
test [direct: primary] test> db.coll.aggregate([ { '$set': { 'Children': { '$map': { 'input': '$Children', 'in': { 'DateOfBirthDateTime': { '$cond': [ { '$ne': [ '$$this.DateOfBirth', ''] }, { '$toDate': '$$this.DateOfBirth' }, null] }, 'Name': '$$this.Name' } } } } }, { '$match': { 'Children': { '$elemMatch': { 'DateOfBirthDateTime': { '$gte': new Date('Sun, 01 Jan 2009 00:00:00 GMT'), '$lte': new Date('Wed, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT') } } } } }])
    _id: ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce2"),
    Children: [
      { DateOfBirthDateTime: ISODate("2010-05-05T00:00:00.000Z") },
      { DateOfBirthDateTime: ISODate("2012-06-06T00:00:00.000Z") }
test [direct: primary] test> db.coll.aggregate([ { '$set': { 'Children': { '$map': { 'input': '$Children', 'in': { 'DateOfBirthDateTime': { '$cond': [ { '$ne': [ '$$this.DateOfBirth', ''] }, { '$toDate': '$$this.DateOfBirth' }, null] }, 'Name': '$$this.Name' } } } } }, { '$match': { 'Children': { '$elemMatch': { 'DateOfBirthDateTime': { '$gte': new Date('Sun, 01 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT'), '$lte': new Date('Wed, 01 Jan 2011 00:00:00 GMT') } } } } }])
    _id: ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce2"),
    Children: [
      { DateOfBirthDateTime: ISODate("2010-05-05T00:00:00.000Z") },
      { DateOfBirthDateTime: ISODate("2012-06-06T00:00:00.000Z") }
    _id: ObjectId("638a6ffcbd6d1ee1c17b6ce3"),
    Children: [ { DateOfBirthDateTime: ISODate("2008-02-02T00:00:00.000Z") } ]


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