Public charts and data access


What are the implications of enabling public read access to my charts dashboard and the relevant data sources?

Will this give public users access over the entire collection?

I would like to expose a charts dashboard to our player base. The chart will have some ‘fun’ stats like the number of matches today or the hourly active player count. (Similar to something like

But I don’t want to give access to the entire collection publicly. I just want to expose the charts themselves.

So I guess my question is… unauthenticated access is enabled does this mean a malicious user could read the data and perform their own aggregation/look ups on our data much like the dashboard can? Or is the ‘unathenticated access’ limited to the queries the charts need to execute to populate?

Unauthenticated users can only access the data that is visible on the charts. They cannot get access to the raw data in the collection.