Need to boost urgent ads within given radius from product/ad co-ordinates

I need search query such that, the ad/product co-ordinates must be either pickUplocation or dropOffLocation and need to boost ads which are urgent that satisfied coordinate requirements.

My search query is as follows:
The problem with this query is that: It return urgent ad which are not even inside the mentioned co-ordinates

$search: {
        index: 'ad-search',
        compound: {
          mustNot: [
              equals: {
                path: 'userId',
                value: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId),
              equals: {
                path: 'isVisible',
                value: false,

          should: [
              geoWithin: {
                circle: {
                  center: {
                    type: Lang.POINT,
                  radius: radiusToBeSearchedAround,
                path: 'pickUpDetails.location',
              geoWithin: {
                circle: {
                  center: {
                    type: Lang.POINT,
                  radius: radiusToBeSearchedAround,
                path: 'dropOffDetails.location',

              equals: {
                path: 'isUrgent',
                value: true,
          minimumShouldMatch: 1,

Hi @Arun_Only1 and welcome to the MongoDB Community forum

To understand the requirement better and help you with the possible solution, could you help me a few details :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. The sample document which would help me reproduce the issue.
  2. The index definition created for the Atlas Search.
  3. The desired output from the above query.

Best Regards