moveChunk scripting - bounds are NumberLong type


I have cluster with many shards - I need to downscale with shards.
I have jumbo chunks - so shard draining is stucked on jumbo chunks.

I can use command to move jumbo chunk like this:

db.adminCommand( { moveChunk : “myDatabaseName.myShardedCollectionName”, bounds : [ c.min, c.max ], to : “s1”, maxChunkSizeBytes: 8192 * 1024 * 1024 );

This works, but I have many of those and I would like to script it somehow but I have issues with NumberLong.

my chunk looks like:

id" : "mydb.mycol-deviceId-6121561864734330913”,
“lastmod” : Timestamp(26, 1),
“lastmodEpoch” : ObjectId(“6128989e7624b46716f49452”),
“ns” : “mydb.mycol”,
“min” : {
“deviceId” : NumberLong(“-6121561864734330913”)
“max” : {
“deviceId” : NumberLong(“-6118577678503421902”)
“shard” : “rs_1”,
“jumbo” : true,
“history” : [
“validAfter” : Timestamp(1630050462, 340),
“shard” : “rs_1”

and my code looks like:

var bound_min = JSON.stringify(doc.min)
var bound_max = JSON.stringify(doc.max)
print(“db.adminCommand( { moveChunk : "” + doc.ns + “", bounds : [ " + bound_min + “,” + bound_max +” ], to : "rs_0", maxChunkSizeBytes: 8192 * 1024 * 1024 })");

output is:



db.adminCommand( { moveChunk : “mydb.mycol”, bounds : [ {“deviceId”:{“$numberLong”:“-6121561864734330913”}},{“deviceId”:{“$numberLong”:“-6118577678503421902”}} ], to : “rs_0”, maxChunkSizeBytes: 8192 * 1024 * 1024 })

but Mongo complains there’s no such chunk…

Any ideas? THX!

ok, I got the action done automaticly:

var bound_min = doc.min
var bound_max = doc.max
// print(“db.adminCommand( { moveChunk : "” + doc.ns + “", bounds : [ " + bound_min + “,” + bound_max +” ], to : "rs_0", maxChunkSizeBytes: 8192 * 1024 * 1024 })");
db.adminCommand({moveChunk: doc.ns, bounds:[bound_min, bound_max], to: “rs_0”, maxChunkSizeBytes: 8192 * 1024 * 1024});

(so no printing - just doing, also getting whole “bounds” objects, no parsing).
Still… how to produce mongo commands - like I wanted to?