Mongos : How to change Connection Pool Params in Mongo Server

I want to know where i can see default value of below server params :


I also want to change default values of these params. Let me know how can we do that

Hi @Sumit_Kandoi,
Welcome to MongoDB Developer Community Forums — thanks for contributing!

I want to know where i can see default value of below server params
I also want to change default values of these params. Let me know how can we do that

You should be able to find all the default values for each of the parameters you have mentioned in the MongoDB Server Parameters page as well as examples of how to set non-default values for the parameters.

I.e. Please see this link for the parameter ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMinSize

Please also note, the documentation I have linked is for the latest MongoDB server version 4.4. You change to the appropriate server version you are using by expanding the dropdown list on the top left corner of the documentation to select the version of MongoDB you are using.

Hope this helps.

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