Mongodump and other tools broken after upgrade to 5.0

Since 2022-04-26, when we updated to mongo 5.0 with compatibility version on 4.4, we’re having a issue with mongodump and other tools / commands for mongodb.
We investigated and figured it might boil down to a index on a single collection in one of our databases.

Mongodump error: mongodump: read data: make dump: error dumping metadata: (Location5254501) Could not parse catalog entry while replying to listIndexes.
We validated all indices in our cmd database and got an error on one of the indices.
        "ns" : "",
        "nInvalidDocuments" : 0,
        "nrecords" : 88638415,
        "nIndexes" : 42,
        "keysPerIndex" : {

        "indexDetails" : {

        "valid" : false,
        "repaired" : false,
        "warnings" : [ ],
        "errors" : [
                "The index specification for index 'interaction.networkItemId_1' contains invalid field names. The field 'safe' is not valid for an index specification. Specification: { v: 1, key: { interaction.networkItemId: 1 }, name: \"interaction.networkItemId_1\", ns: \"\", background: true, safe: null }. Run the 'collMod' command on the collection without any arguments to remove the invalid index options"
        "extraIndexEntries" : [ ],
        "missingIndexEntries" : [ ],
        "corruptRecords" : [ ],
        "advice" : "A corrupt namespace has been detected. See for recovery steps.",
        "ok" : 1,
        "$clusterTime" : {
                "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1651416503, 80),
                "signature" : {
                        "hash" : BinData(0,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="),
                        "keyId" : NumberLong(0)
        "operationTime" : Timestamp(1651407947, 2)

We dropped the faulty index and ran a full-validate again, that returned all collections in that database valid.

But mongodump still fails with the same error. Also db.runCommand({listIndexes: "tickets"}) fails.

There are some 42 indices on the tickets collection. When executing db.runCommand({listIndexes: "tickets", cursor: {batchSize:19}}) and then using getMore on that cursorId with an arbitrary batchSize, we can list all indices in that collection.

But when we want to list all or a significant number of indices the command fails. We figured out the magic index seems to be number 20 as db.runCommand({listIndexes: "tickets", cursor: {batchSize:19}}) works but db.runCommand({listIndexes: “tickets”, cursor: {batchSize:20}})` fails with

MongoServerError: Could not parse catalog entry while replying to listIndexes

The full-validate had two warnings but they don’t seem to be that much of a problem

"warnings" : [
                "Could not complete validation of table:collection-31-1751203610025669779. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations.",
                "Could not complete validation of table:index-32-1751203610025669779. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations."

We plan to increase compatibilitylevel to 5 this week. we are also interested in your opinion if this might worsen or resolve our current issue.

Kind regards

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Hi , Michael_Schmid
got the same problem after upgrade to 5.0 mongo
like 2022-05-25T17:59:52.121+0300 Failed: error dumping metadata: (Location5254501) Could not parse catalog entry while replying to listIndexes

the thing is in broken indexes after upgrade.

for me helped next steps
running commands like


for all your collections.
This helps to find broken stuff

> db.getCollection('cfs_gridfs._tempstore.files').getIndexes();
MongoServerError: Could not parse catalog entry while replying to listIndexes

After that just dropped and recreated needed indexes
