MongoDB Performance in Docker

I did an experiment by running a python app that is writing 2000 records into mongoDB.

The details of my setup of the experiment as follows:

Test 1: Local PC - Python App running on Local PC with mongoDB on Local PC (baseline)
Test 2: Docker - Python App on Linux Container with mongoDB on Linux Container with persist volume
Test 3: Docker - Python App on Linux Container with mongoDB on Linux Container without persist volume

I’ve generated the result in chart - on average writing data on local PC is about 30 secs. Where else on Docker, it takes about 80plus secs. Hence it seems like writing on Docker is almost 3 times slower than writing on local PC itself.


Should I want to improve the write speed or performance of the mongoDB in docker container, what is the recommended practice? Or should I put the mongoDB as a external volume without docker?

Thank you!

This is the graph


I am starting to find the same performance issues myself. But I am using an external volume and still I see some degradation when in a container. Be very interesting to figure this one out as containers are the way things are heading.