Mongodb - number of connections per db?


1)    i have this dbs, version 14 enterprise

Enterprise Prod [direct: primary] admin> show dbs

admin 260.00 KiB

config 176.00 KiB

local 696.98 MiB

dece-buz 1.00 MiB

dece-com 196.00 KiB

dece-epe 176.02 MiB

And I have this query also

number of connections per client IP


Enterprise Prod [direct: primary] admin> db.currentOp(true).inprog.reduce((accumulator, connection) => { ipaddress = connection.client ? connection.client.split(":")[0] : “Internal”; accumulator[ipaddress] = (accumulator[ipaddress] || 0) + 1; accumulator[“TOTAL_CONNECTION_COUNT”]++; return accumulator; }, { TOTAL_CONNECTION_COUNT: 0 })


Internal: 30,
‘’: 19,
‘’: 13,
‘’: 6,
‘’: 16,
‘’: 7,
‘’: 4,
‘’: 2,
‘’: 2,
‘’: 3

  1. Is there a way to get something like this, number of connections per db?

Enterprise Prod [direct: primary] admin> [consulta que se necesita para obtener lo solicitado]

admin 1

config 2

local 3

dece-buz 10

dece-com 11

dece-epe 7