Mongodb database aggregation query is slow in sorting

The mongodb database aggregation query is slow in sorting, and the CPU and hard disk IO utilization are not used very much. Please ask the boss to point out the problem

aggregation code

 $match: {
  SpcpProfileId: {
   $in: [
}, {
 $lookup: {
  from: 'CampaignsReport',
  'let': {
   camnewId: '$SpcpCampaignId'
  pipeline: [
    $match: {
     $expr: {
      $and: [
        $gte: [
        $eq: [
    $project: {
     camId: 1,
     adDetail: {
      cost: 1
  as: 'CampaignsReport_doc'
}, {
 $project: {
  SpcpCampaignId: 1,
  SpcpName: 1,
  cost: {
   $sum: '$adDetail.cost'
}, {
 $sort: {
  cost: -1
}, {
 $limit: 10

explain(‘allPlansExecution’) result

{ stages: 
   [ { '$cursor': 
        { query: { SpcpProfileId: { '$in': [ 42177743503074 ] } },
          fields: { SpcpCampaignId: 1, SpcpName: 1, 'adDetail.cost': 1, _id: 1 },
           { plannerVersion: 1,
             namespace: 'AmazonAds.SpCampaignsMongo',
             indexFilterSet: false,
             parsedQuery: { SpcpProfileId: { '$eq': 42177743503074 } },
              { stage: 'FETCH',
                 { stage: 'IXSCAN',
                   keyPattern: { SpcpProfileId: 1 },
                   indexName: 'SpcpProfileId_1',
                   isMultiKey: false,
                   multiKeyPaths: { SpcpProfileId: [] },
                   isUnique: false,
                   isSparse: false,
                   isPartial: false,
                   indexVersion: 2,
                   direction: 'forward',
                   indexBounds: { SpcpProfileId: [ '[42177743503074.0, 42177743503074.0]' ] } } },
              [ { stage: 'FETCH',
                   { stage: 'IXSCAN',
                      { SpcpProfileId: 1,
                        SpcpPortfolioId: 1,
                        SpcpState: 1,
                        SpcpServingStatus: 1 },
                     indexName: 'SpcpProfileId_1_SpcpPortfolioId_1_SpcpState_1_SpcpServingStatus_1',
                     isMultiKey: false,
                      { SpcpProfileId: [],
                        SpcpPortfolioId: [],
                        SpcpState: [],
                        SpcpServingStatus: [] },
                     isUnique: false,
                     isSparse: false,
                     isPartial: false,
                     indexVersion: 2,
                     direction: 'forward',
                      { SpcpProfileId: [ '[42177743503074.0, 42177743503074.0]' ],
                        SpcpPortfolioId: [ '[MinKey, MaxKey]' ],
                        SpcpState: [ '[MinKey, MaxKey]' ],
                        SpcpServingStatus: [ '[MinKey, MaxKey]' ] } } } ] },
           { executionSuccess: true,
             nReturned: 1680,
             executionTimeMillis: 7189,
             totalKeysExamined: 1680,
             totalDocsExamined: 1680,
              { stage: 'FETCH',
                nReturned: 1680,
                executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                works: 1681,
                advanced: 1680,
                needTime: 0,
                needYield: 0,
                saveState: 15,
                restoreState: 15,
                isEOF: 1,
                invalidates: 0,
                docsExamined: 1680,
                alreadyHasObj: 0,
                 { stage: 'IXSCAN',
                   nReturned: 1680,
                   executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                   works: 1681,
                   advanced: 1680,
                   needTime: 0,
                   needYield: 0,
                   saveState: 15,
                   restoreState: 15,
                   isEOF: 1,
                   invalidates: 0,
                   keyPattern: { SpcpProfileId: 1 },
                   indexName: 'SpcpProfileId_1',
                   isMultiKey: false,
                   multiKeyPaths: { SpcpProfileId: [] },
                   isUnique: false,
                   isSparse: false,
                   isPartial: false,
                   indexVersion: 2,
                   direction: 'forward',
                   indexBounds: { SpcpProfileId: [ '[42177743503074.0, 42177743503074.0]' ] },
                   keysExamined: 1680,
                   seeks: 1,
                   dupsTested: 0,
                   dupsDropped: 0,
                   seenInvalidated: 0 } },
              [ { nReturned: 101,
                  executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                  totalKeysExamined: 101,
                  totalDocsExamined: 101,
                   { stage: 'FETCH',
                     nReturned: 101,
                     executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                     works: 101,
                     advanced: 101,
                     needTime: 0,
                     needYield: 0,
                     saveState: 2,
                     restoreState: 1,
                     isEOF: 0,
                     invalidates: 0,
                     docsExamined: 101,
                     alreadyHasObj: 0,
                      { stage: 'IXSCAN',
                        nReturned: 101,
                        executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                        works: 101,
                        advanced: 101,
                        needTime: 0,
                        needYield: 0,
                        saveState: 2,
                        restoreState: 1,
                        isEOF: 0,
                        invalidates: 0,
                        keyPattern: { SpcpProfileId: 1 },
                        indexName: 'SpcpProfileId_1',
                        isMultiKey: false,
                        multiKeyPaths: { SpcpProfileId: [] },
                        isUnique: false,
                        isSparse: false,
                        isPartial: false,
                        indexVersion: 2,
                        direction: 'forward',
                        indexBounds: { SpcpProfileId: [ '[42177743503074.0, 42177743503074.0]' ] },
                        keysExamined: 101,
                        seeks: 1,
                        dupsTested: 0,
                        dupsDropped: 0,
                        seenInvalidated: 0 } } },
                { nReturned: 101,
                  executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                  totalKeysExamined: 101,
                  totalDocsExamined: 101,
                   { stage: 'FETCH',
                     nReturned: 101,
                     executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                     works: 101,
                     advanced: 101,
                     needTime: 0,
                     needYield: 0,
                     saveState: 15,
                     restoreState: 15,
                     isEOF: 0,
                     invalidates: 0,
                     docsExamined: 101,
                     alreadyHasObj: 0,
                      { stage: 'IXSCAN',
                        nReturned: 101,
                        executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,
                        works: 101,
                        advanced: 101,
                        needTime: 0,
                        needYield: 0,
                        saveState: 15,
                        restoreState: 15,
                        isEOF: 0,
                        invalidates: 0,
                         { SpcpProfileId: 1,
                           SpcpPortfolioId: 1,
                           SpcpState: 1,
                           SpcpServingStatus: 1 },
                        indexName: 'SpcpProfileId_1_SpcpPortfolioId_1_SpcpState_1_SpcpServingStatus_1',
                        isMultiKey: false,
                         { SpcpProfileId: [],
                           SpcpPortfolioId: [],
                           SpcpState: [],
                           SpcpServingStatus: [] },
                        isUnique: false,
                        isSparse: false,
                        isPartial: false,
                        indexVersion: 2,
                        direction: 'forward',
                         { SpcpProfileId: [ '[42177743503074.0, 42177743503074.0]' ],
                           SpcpPortfolioId: [ '[MinKey, MaxKey]' ],
                           SpcpState: [ '[MinKey, MaxKey]' ],
                           SpcpServingStatus: [ '[MinKey, MaxKey]' ] },
                        keysExamined: 101,
                        seeks: 1,
                        dupsTested: 0,
                        dupsDropped: 0,
                        seenInvalidated: 0 } } } ] } } },
     { '$lookup': 
        { from: 'CampaignsReport',
          as: 'CampaignsReport_doc',
          let: { camnewId: '$SpcpCampaignId' },
           [ { '$match': 
                { '$expr': 
                   { '$and': 
                      [ { '$gte': [ '$reportTime', 1663603200 ] },
                        { '$eq': [ '$camId', '$$camnewId' ] } ] } } },
             { '$project': { camId: 1, adDetail: { cost: 1 } } } ] } },
     { '$project': 
        { _id: true,
          SpcpName: true,
          SpcpCampaignId: true,
          cost: { '$sum': [ '$adDetail.cost' ] } } },
     { '$sort': { sortKey: { cost: -1 }, limit: 10 } } ],
  ok: 1 }