MongoDB Atlas Prometheus integration: Increase rate limit


We are using Prometheus integration in Atlas and scraping the metrics from https://(target):27018/metrics.
At times we are getting 429 too many requests error when we hit the endpoint.
Would like to know what is the current rate limit per Target endpoint.
Is there a way to increase the rate of requests for the endpoint.

Hi @prathish_m - Welcome to the community.

Would like to know what is the current rate limit per Target endpoint.

I believe the Rate Limiting documentation (Atlas Admin API specific) is related to the 429 error / response you are getting. Currently the limit is 100 requests requests per minute per project.

Is there a way to increase the rate of requests for the endpoint.

You would probably need to contact the Atlas support team via the in-app chat to find out if this is possible.

Hope the above helps.
