MongoDB Atlas GraphQL API to your mobile app - Tutorial

To connect MongoDB Atlas GraphQL with a React Native mobile app, you can use the Apollo GraphQL client library. Here are the high-level steps:

  1. Install the required dependencies:

    • @apollo/client package for making GraphQL requests
    • subscriptions-transport-ws package for handling WebSocket subscriptions
    • graphql-tag package for parsing GraphQL queries
  2. Create an Apollo client instance and configure it with the necessary settings, including the GraphQL API endpoint and authorization credentials.

  3. Use the useQuery and useMutation hooks from the @apollo/client package to query and mutate data in the GraphQL API.

  4. Optionally, use the useSubscription hook from the subscriptions-transport-ws package to subscribe to real-time updates from the GraphQL API.

Here’s some sample code that shows how to create an Apollo client instance and use it to fetch data from a MongoDB Atlas GraphQL API:

import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, HttpLink } from '@apollo/client';
import { WebSocketLink } from '@apollo/client/link/ws';
import { getMainDefinition } from '@apollo/client/utilities';

// Set up the HTTP link for GraphQL queries and mutations
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
  uri: 'https://<YOUR_API_ENDPOINT>',
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${<YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>}`,

// Set up the WebSocket link for GraphQL subscriptions
const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({
  uri: `wss://<YOUR_API_ENDPOINT>`,
  options: {
    reconnect: true,
    connectionParams: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${<YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>}`,

// Use the split function from the apollo-link library to decide which link to use
// based on the operation type
const link = split(
  ({ query }) => {
    const { kind, operation } = getMainDefinition(query);
    return kind === 'OperationDefinition' && operation === 'subscription';

// Create the Apollo client instance
const client = new ApolloClient({
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

// Use the useQuery hook to fetch data from the GraphQL API
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(gql`
  query GetBooks {
    books {

// Use the useMutation hook to mutate data in the GraphQL API
const [createBook] = useMutation(gql`
  mutation CreateBook($title: String!, $author: String!) {
    createBook(title: $title, author: $author) {

// Use the useSubscription hook to subscribe to real-time updates from the GraphQL API
const { loading, error, data } = useSubscription(gql`
  subscription BookAdded {
    bookAdded {

Note that you will need to replace <YOUR_API_ENDPOINT> and <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN> with the appropriate values for your MongoDB Atlas GraphQL API.