Mongodb Atlas Functions - Projection of aggregation pipeline

My Atlas function performs a search & aggregates data. The function is working fine. I have an issue with datatype removal from the projected data. My integer fields come with datatype and I have exhausted alll options to remove datatype from the result.

My Atlas Function

exports = async function(arg){
let collection =
let pipeline = [
    $search: {
      index: "flash",
      text: {
        query: arg,
        path: {
          wildcard: "*"
        fuzzy :{
  $project: {
    _id: { $toString: "$_id" },
    studioId: { $toString: "$studioId" },
    name: 1,
    tags: 1,
    length: 1,
    breadth: 1,

  return collection.aggregate(pipeline);

Sample result

    "name": "Snoop Dog Portrait",
    "tags": [
      "snoop dog",
      "face portrait"
    "length": {
      "$numberInt": "6"
    "breadth": {
      "$numberInt": "7"
    "_id": "643f7674b638e716b1501ecd",
    "studioId": "643f74b9b638e716b1501e97"

The result I want to achieve is a json document with length & breadth fields with numbers. Not the datatupes.

I may have overlooked something. If anybody could help me figure out. I, will be grateful.