MongoDB 4.4.4 on Server 2016 : an error occurred while loading navigation command hostinfo requires authentication

We have MongoDB 4.4.4 on Server 2016
We haven’t username/password authentication set up.
We can not log in MongoDB Compass and see the error:

an error occurred while loading navigation command hostinfo requires authentication

If someone could tell me what I’m doing wrong I’d appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

Are you able to connect with shell?
Are you using SRV string or individual fields in Compass?

Issue could be due to selection of authenticationDatabase or authentication mechanism
You can refer to

We able to connect with shell . (mongo --port 27017 )
We are using individual fields in Compass.
We are not using Enable Access Control (authorization: disabled in configuration file) .
We don’t select authenticationDatabase in Compass ,
as we don’t use authentication mechanism meanwhile )

For locally running mongod just need to give port and host as localhost and connect

Did you try to restart Compass and see