Mongo Ops Manager/MongoDB is leaving open deleted log files behind

Mongo Ops Manager/MongoDB is leaving open deleted log files behind

I’m running Mongo Ops Manager v4.2.6 with a replica set of 3 members.

The primary is constantly filling up on disk usage due to open log files being deleted.

find /proc/*/fd -ls | grep ‘(deleted)’
342635611 0 lr-x------ 1 2000 root 64 Dec 30 03:42 /proc/61/fd/13 -> /var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/mongodb.log.2020-12-29T16-50-02\ (deleted)

I’ve got several hundred of this files. They account for ~ 400Gb of disk space.

the mongo operator is configured to rotate the logs, which it appears to be doing, yet they are staying around.

I’d like a good answer as to why the ops-manager/mongodb is not handling this correctly.

Any updates on this issue ?
I’m facing the same problem , yet can’t find a solution