Lost on Organization access manager screen

I am quite new to MongoDB trying to learn it. I am sort of lost on the Organization access manager screen. Is there any separate documentation/video which explains how & what to do there?

Please show a screenshot of what you are doing/facing problem
Are you talking about Atlas cluster creation?

Hi @Manjusha_Kulkarni,

Welcome to the community :wave:

I am sort of lost on the Organization access manager screen. Is there any separate documentation/video which explains how & what to do there?

I am assuming that you are using MongoDB Atlas and not Cloud Manager but please correct me if I am wrong here.

Specific to the Organization Access Manager page, there are currently 3 tabs in which you can:

In addition to the above, I would also recommend going through the MongoDB Atlas Getting Started page and MongoDB Atlas Organization pages if you’ve not already done so :slight_smile:

Hope this helps
