I upgraded my atlas local deployment to 7.0.4 and am running commands through mongosh
for maximum simplicity.
My index is this:
>> db.getCollection("_my.collection").getSearchIndexes()
id: '656764e39caaaa2038fc5689',
name: '_my.vsi',
status: 'READY',
queryable: true,
latestVersion: 0,
latestDefinition: {
name: '_my.vsi',
mappings: {
dynamic: true,
fields: {
'up.stream.embedding.vector': { type: 'knnVector', dimensions: 768, similarity: 'cosine' }
When I aggregate with the query:
>> db.getCollection("_my.collection").aggregate([{
"$vectorSearch": {
"queryVector": [...exactly the floats from one of the records...],
"numCandidates": 10,
"limit": 10,
"path": "up.stream.embedding.vector",
"index": "_my.vsi"
I get zero results, despite my collection having 6 documents with a 768-length array of bson doubles at the path “up.stream.embedding.vector”. That path does not include indexing through arrays of objects/documents.
What am I doing wrong here?