iOSDevUK 22 - Let's build macOS CLI Utilities using Swift!

Event details here - Speakers — iOSDevUK

Swift allows to build not only iOS/iPadOS/watchOS/macOS apps. We can also build server-side apps using Vapor, and any CLI utility we need. With the power of the Swift Programming Language, all available packages through the Swift Package Manager, type-safe checking, Xcode, etc. we can create any CLI app we need, without needing to learn any other language/tooling.

We’ll see:

  • the best packages to use with your new CLI app
  • code examples of typical problems: accessing files, downloading data, printing with colours, etc.
  • how to manage multithreading in CLI apps
  • how to create a template CLI app using tuist so starting a new CLI project takes seconds

Workshop host:

square difb 500x500

Diego Freniche Brito, Mobile Developer Advocate at MongoDB

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