Inquiry for good freeware GUI for mongoDB development and also for database design for a student

Just completed M001 final exam. I want to practice queries and database design on my local machine as well as connecting to mondoGB cloud free server. I have few questions

  1. Which is the best freeware GUI for mongoDB on windows? I have downloaded 2 tools , Studio 3T and Query Assist but I am unable to connect to the server. Both seem to be good with a pretty decent query interface.
  2. Is there a freeware GUI tool to design mongoDB database ?

Hi AjayB,

You can use Compass as well. Is there any specific requirements that you are looking for or are not available in Compass?


Thanks Kanika. I am using Compass but I think the editor should have a bigger screen, option to have tabs to save and run multiple queries. I found a freeware called ROBO 3T which very basic but has these features,