How & when is @AsyncOpen used correctly with SwiftUI?

I am trying to understand how & when to use @AsyncOpen wrapper with SwiftUI. Below are 2 ways I am opening a Synced Realm and both are working just fine.

Which of the 2 methods below is the correct way to open a Sync Realm?

Method 1 - passing flexibleSyncConfiguration() via environment, then when calling @Environment(\.realm), realm will used passed config to open a Sync Realm

struct Sample: SwiftUI.App {
    @StateObject var app: RealmSwift.App = .init(id: "someId")

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            if let user = app.currentUser {
                    .environment(\.realmConfiguration, getSyncRealmConfig(user: user))
            } else {
                LoginView(app: app)

    private func getSyncRealmConfig(user: User) -> Realm.Configuration {
        var config = user.flexibleSyncConfiguration { subs in
            subs.append(QuerySubscription<Todo> { $0.ownerId == })
        config.schemaVersion = 1

        config.objectTypes = [

        return config

struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(\.realm) private var realm: Realm
    @EnvironmentObject private var user: User
    @ObservedResults(Todo) private var todos: Results<Todo>

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("ADD") {
                try! realm.write {
                    let todo = Todo(user: user)
            List(todos) { todo in

Method 2 - using @AsyncOpen/@AutoOpen wrapper. Based on my understanding, @AsyncOpen provides additional status on which stage the operation of opening sync is right now, however, you need to provide an “AppID” twice

struct Sample: SwiftUI.App {
    @StateObject var app: RealmSwift.App = .init(id: "someId")

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            if let user = app.currentUser {
                    .environment(\.realmConfiguration, getSyncRealmConfig(user: user))
            } else {
                LoginView(app: app)

    private func getSyncRealmConfig(user: User) -> Realm.Configuration {
        var config = user.flexibleSyncConfiguration { subs in
            subs.append(QuerySubscription<Todo> { $0.ownerId == })
        config.schemaVersion = 1

        config.objectTypes = [

        return config

struct OpenSyncedRealm: View {
   @AsyncOpen(appId: "someId", timeout: 4000) var asyncOpen

    var body: some View {
        switch asyncOpen {
        case realm):
            // content view is the same
                .environemnt(\.realm, realm)
        // ...