How to update some collection with different query parameters and with different set values?

I have an array of MongoDB collection -


      "_id": "630499244683ed43d56edd06",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true"
      "_id": "6304c19bda84477b41b4bbfa",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true"
      "_id": "6304c1b5da84477b41b4bbfb",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true"
      "_id": "6304c1cbda84477b41b4bbfc",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true"

I just want to add the order property to all the objects but for all the specific _id I need to add the different `order value

Like this -


      "_id": "630499244683ed43d56edd06",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true",
      "order": 7
      "_id": "6304c19bda84477b41b4bbfa",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true",
      "order": 5
      "_id": "6304c1b5da84477b41b4bbfb",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true",
      "order": 0,
      "_id": "6304c1cbda84477b41b4bbfc",
      "userId": "630499234683ed43d56edd05",
      "isPaid": "true",
      "order": 2

Please let me know How do I implement this approach in MongoDB?
I’m not using mongoose.

What you need is bulkWrite where you create an array of updateOne, each element being a different query and update operation.

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