How to convert array of objects into nested object in MongoDB aggregation pipeline

I am currently doing a project where my Database Management System is MongoDB. I am writing an aggregation pipeline where there are several stages. I am currently struggling at a particular stage where I want to obtain the following output. MongoDB has so many operator expressions that I am confused about which one to use to achieve this. I have a collection called Styles and Skus which are as follows:

// Schema for styles
const styles = mongoose.Schema({
  id: Number,
  productId: Number,
  name: String,
  sale_price: String,
  original_price: String,
  default_price: Boolean,
}, {
  strict: false,

// Schema for skus
const skus = mongoose.Schema({
  id: Number,
  styleId: Number,
  size: String,
  quantity: String,
}, {
  strict: false,

Each style can have several SKUs, one-to-many relationships. In my aggregation pipeline, I am using $lookup to find all the SKUs of that particular style and adding a new field called SKUs in the styles document. I am getting results like this after the $lookup.

           "style_id": 1,
           "name": "Forest Green & Black",
           "original_price": "140",
           "sale_price": "0",
           "default?": true,
            "skus": [
                  "id": 37,
                  "styleId": 1,
                  "size": "XS",
                  "quantity": 16 
                  "id": 38,
                  "styleId": 1,
                  "size": "S",
                  "quantity": 8


Which is expected as $lookup returns a matching array. But I want my Styles document to look like this.

            "style_id": 1,
            "name": "Forest Green & Black",
            "original_price": "140",
            "sale_price": "0",
            "default?": true,
             "skus": {
                  "37": {
                    "styleId": 1,
                   "size": "XS",
                   "quantity": 16 
                  "38": {
                   "styleId": 1,
                   "size": "S",
                   "quantity": 8


Can someone give any idea how to structure the data like above in aggregation pipeline? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You are in luck. See you might need to do some $project or $map first.

Be aware that some client drivers do not like numbers as field keys and might build a sparse array anyway. See Mongodb import object with numbers as keys results in array

Personally, I would keep it as an array as I find it is cleaner and more representative of what the data is. You could pass skus[n] to a function and you would have everything about the sku. Otherwise you wound need to pass the key (ie: 37) and the object to have all the info about the sku because sku.37 does not have the key. It would make further $match harder to do because 37 is really data not a key.

getting this error($arrayToObject requires an object keys of ‘k’ and ‘v’. Found incorrect number of keys:5)

please help me

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If you look at the documentation you will see that your array product does not fulfill the initial requirements.

You will need to first use $map to modify your array to match the requirement.

More importantly, why do you want to apply this transformation?