How Select an entire array

Well, i’m new in Mongo and i’m trying to make a project, it’s basically an CRUD where you enter with what you’re doing now and when you started this job and when you will stop, then i create this model to my document:



    "Name": name,


        "Function": "",







        "Course": "",

















So, my question it’s about how can i return (in python) just the entire ‘Doing’ array, i so tried so hard but the only way i can see to solve this, is using ‘projection’ and ‘agreggate’, but I think there is some easy way to solve this

Hi @Jose_Victor and welcome in the MongoDB Community :muscle: !

Would that work for you?

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient()
db = client.get_database('test')
persons = db.get_collection('coll')
        'Name': 'name',
        'Job': {'Function': '', 'Hour': {'Started': '', 'Ended': ''}},
        'College': {'Course': '', 'Hour': {'Started': '', 'Ended': ''}},
        'Doing': [{'Activity': '', 'Hour': {'Started': '', 'Ended': ''}}]
doc = persons.find_one({'Name': 'name'}, {'_id': 0, 'Doing': 1})


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Man, you are an angel in earth i really thankfull by this, i didn’t know it’s possible to select like this, i’m so glad

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I’m glad it was helpful to you :smiley: !

I recommend that you check out this M220P free training course on MongoDB University. :slight_smile:
I feel like you will learn a lot from it!


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