How do I use the results of $facet sub-pipelines

I have a mongodb query that looks like the following:

    {$facet: {
        subpipeline1: [
          {$match: { ...
            // mongo subpipeline 1 query
        , subpipeline2: [
          {$match: { ...
             // mongo subpipeline 2 query

result of subpipeline1 is:

_id	            qty
category_1	    qty_1

result of subpipeline2 is:

_id	            qty
category_all	qty_all

I want to divide qty_1 (qty from subpipeline1) by qty_all (qty from subpipeline2)

Seeking the help of the community to guide me please.

Results of each subpipeline will be array of documents, if you can give sample data of the results in JSON, and what is the expected output you need. Maybe $map can help you. But if you give sample data it will be helpful alot.

Hi Takis, many thanks for your attention to my question. I intend to do the following please -

The result of subpipeline1 is the following

  {_id: 'category_1', qty: '10'},
  {_id: 'category_2', qty: '15'},
  {_id: 'category_3', qty: '35'},
  {_id: 'category_4', qty: '50'}

The result of subpipeline2 is the following

  {_id: 'category_all', qty: '110'}

Combining the above 2, I intend to get the following output:

  {_id: 'category_1', qty: '10', total: '110'},
  {_id: 'category_2', qty: '15', total: '110'},
  {_id: 'category_3', qty: '35', total: '110'},
  {_id: 'category_4', qty: '50', total: '110'}

Many thanks for your guidance.

Data (after the $facet)

    "subpipeline1": [
        "_id": "category_1",
        "qty": "10"
        "_id": "category_2",
        "qty": "15"
        "_id": "category_3",
        "qty": "35"
        "_id": "category_4",
        "qty": "50"
    "subpipeline2": [
        "_id": "category_all",
        "qty": "110"


[{"$unwind": {"path": "$subpipeline1"}},
   {"_id": "$subpipeline1._id",
     "qty": "$subpipeline1.qty",
     "total": {"$arrayElemAt": ["$subpipeline2.qty", 0]}}}])

Data out

  "_id": "category_1",
  "qty": "10",
  "total": "110"
  "_id": "category_2",
  "qty": "15",
  "total": "110"
  "_id": "category_3",
  "qty": "35",
  "total": "110"
  "_id": "category_4",
  "qty": "50",
  "total": "110"