'Host not found' during sync


Lately I’ve begun experiencing the following problem when connecting to my realm app (both from Swift and Node SDKs). Sometimes it will connect, but most of the time I get the following error.

ERROR: Connection[1]: Failed to resolve 'ws.eu-west-1.aws.realm.mongodb.com:443': Host not found (authoritative)

{ name: 'Error',
  message: 'Host not found (authoritative)',
  isFatal: false,
  category: 'realm.util.network.resolve',
  code: 1,
  userInfo: {} }

My cluster is hosted on eu-west-1, and so is my Realm app.

After dialogue with MongoDB support, this issue has been resolved by their team. Apparently there was a problem with their DYN configuration :man_shrugging:

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