Help designing schema

Hello all,
What would be a good design for the following POST request data

    "userID": "123-236-656-555",
    "uuid": "1",
    "datetime": "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
    "time": {
      "duration": 60,
      "delta": 240
    "location": {
      "lat": 12.34,
      "long": 11.66
    "contentURL": ""

    "userID": "123-236-656-555",
    "uuid": "2",
    "datetime": "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z",
    "time": {
      "duration": 60,
      "delta": 240
    "location": {
      "lat": 12.34,
      "long": 11.66
    "contentURL": ""

Each POST request data have different data but could be sent with the same userID.
one userID can send many data. what design model is efficient for this purpose for querying GET request data from users that are requesting GET /userID and GET /uuid .
thanks :slight_smile: