Hello from London

Hello community,

I’m Viktor and I’m a computer science student based on London. 1 year I started studying MongoDB for a university course but I didn’t really acquired all the know-how to manage and use it effectively. I joined this forum because I want to fill this knowledge gap and become a new (I hope skilled) member of MongoDB community.

Welcome to the community, @viktor_mex

If it interests you, you might want to check out the courses available in the MongoDB university. They range from basic to advanced, and they’re all free.


Hi @kevinadi :wave:

Thank you for having linked the courses, I’ll checkout out for sure since I would get the MongoDB developer certification!

Hello @viktor_mex

there is a learning path to archive the MonogDB Dev certification. There are six classes part of it which I recommend to take in ascending order of there numbers. So M001 first M320 last. To get prepared for the certification you should also work on all provided Study guides for this path. In case you run in to questions feel free to ask here any time.

Best of luck

Hi @micha

thank you for the suggestions! They will help me a lot of since I started to study for the certification by using the official documentation and just now I realized that it was an overkill method for a newbie like me since I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by the large amount of knowledge to acquire.

Hello @viktor_mex

always feel free to ask here. The certification in not only a proof that you passed some tests. You will need some (more) real month of hands on experience to pass easily. How ever, why not starting the path and go step by step forward. Even if you turn back later - there is not pressure. Would be a nice goal to archive the certification at the end, isn’t it?

I am aware that as a student there might be not extremely much time left to dedicate to “just one” specialisation but if you build the basics you might be able to pick up in the next seminar and surprise others with rapid development which is indeed one of the many major pros of MongoDB.

Best of luck

Hello @mic

thanks (again) for the suggestion, I will try to find the right balance for my needs and the objective requirements to get a deep knowledge about MongoDB.

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