Getting warning while connecting my server to mongodb

Whenever i am trying to start my server i am getting these warnings and i am not able to fix them up.Please help me

Hi @Pragya_Shukla, and welcome!

Are you referring to the circular dependency warning statements?

If you’re using Node.js v14+, please make sure that you’re using MongoDB Node.js driver v3.5.7+. This issue is likely related to : NODE-2536 and Warning-accessing-non-existent-property-count-of-module-exports-inside-circular-dependency.

If you’re still getting the warning statements after upgrading to MongoDB Node.js v3.5.7+ please provide:

  • Node.js version
  • MongoDB Node.js version
  • The output of npm list mongodb on the project
  • The output of node --trace-warnings to show where the exact warning was created


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