Getting exception while running the mongo query

While running the query


getting following exception:

push used too much memory and cannot spill to disk. Memory limit: 104857600 bytes - {“operationTime”:“7088681554536300545”,“ok”:0,“code”:146,“codeName”:“ExceededMemoryLimit”,“$clusterTime”:{“clusterTime”:“7088681554536300545”,“signature”:{“hash”:“xRoNutf0Qj3coUPQWZjGUmyDzW8=”,“keyId”:“7035637553084497921”}},“name”:“MongoError”}

You are taking your entire collection, every document, and pushing it into a single field (array) in $group. That exceeds the allowed document size. After that you are using $slice to only keep the first 24 elements of the array. There are a few ways to do this rather than pushing every document into an array - starting in version 5.2.0 in Atlas we support $firstN which allows you to specify it directly.

If you are on 5.0 or earlier there are some workarounds that have been described in this ticket:
