geoNear error with badvalue

Hello, I got an error when I use a pipeline with geoNear to count the documents in db. Here is the code:

func createGeoStage(lng float32, lat float32, radius int32) (jsonStage string) {

	geoStage := `
				"coordinates":[ %g, %g]
			"maxDistance": %v,
	geoStage = fmt.Sprintf(geoStage, lng, lat, radius)
	return geoStage

func createMatchStage(parUserID string) (jsonStage string) {

	if id, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(parUserID); err == nil {
		matchStage := `
								"user_id": {"$oid": %q}
		matchStage = fmt.Sprintf(matchStage, id)
		return matchStage
	} else {
		return `

func BuildPipelineFromJsons(logger log.RootLogger, jsonStages ...string) (mongo.Pipeline, error) {
	var pipeline mongo.Pipeline
	for idx, jsonStage := range jsonStages {
		var stage bson.D
		if err := bson.UnmarshalExtJSON([]byte(jsonStage), false, &stage); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.BadRequest("syntax error", fmt.Sprintf("error unmarshalling stage %d: %v", idx, err))

		pipeline = append(pipeline, stage)

	return pipeline, nil

The code call the functions above:

	geoStage := createGeoStage(2.3522, 48.8566, 1000)
	matchStage := createMatchStage("") //no user id

	countStage := `

	//here to prepare the pipeline to counting the places
	counting, err := dboperate.BuildPipelineFromJsons(logger, geoStage, matchStage, countStage)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cur, err := collection.Aggregate(ctx, counting, options.Aggregate()) -> here I get the error:
errorDetails":"(Location16604) geoNear command failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: \"error processing query: limit=100Tree: GEONEAR  field=location maxdist=1000 isNearSphere=1\nSort: {}\nProj: { $pt: { $meta: \"geoNearPoin...\", code: 2, codeName: \"BadValue\" }"

can anyone help to check the code? thanks a lot!
