GCP connection error

I’m using golang and mongo-go-driver
I’m pretty confident that the code has no problem for it is pretty simple test example.
but suspecting something could be done with connection url here:

client, err := mongo.NewClient(options.Client().ApplyURI(“mongodb+srv://myid:mypwr@testcluster-pri.ubx7y.mongodb.net/Databases?retryWrites=true&w=majority”))

I’ve got peer connection between GCP VPC to Atlas.
have for IP access list.
but I’m getting

server selection error: server selection timeout, current topology: { Type: ReplicaSetNoPrimary, Servers: [{ Addr: firstcluster-shard-00-00-pri.ubx7y.mongodb.net:27017, Type: Unknown, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: dial tcp i/o timeout }, { Addr: firstcluster-shard-00-01-pri.ubx7y.mongodb.net:27017, Type: Unknown, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: dial tcp i/o timeout }, { Addr: firstcluster-shard-00-02-pri.ubx7y.mongodb.net:27017, Type: Unknown, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: dial tcp i/o timeout }, ] }

I have no idea what causes the problem…

Hi @_Toby_Kim,

Welcome to MongoDB community!

The connection string you are using is for Private network peering

Have you established one with your gcp host who runs and use it? The whitelist won’t work with this connection string and you need to use a standard connection from connect tab.


After many hours of breaking my head, I found the solution. Thank you.


What was the solution for you?