Failed: Corruption found in archive;ParserConsumer.BodyBson()(Corruption found in archive;read bson(unexpected eof))

We have a jenkins job to restore couple of collections from PROD to Statge environment, restore is working fine but we are getting below error message, due to which jenkins job is reporting failure. Can someone check and confirm whats wrong with the syntax.

Failed: Corruption found in archive;ParserConsumer.BodyBson()(Corruption found in archive;read bson(unexpected eof))

MongoDB shell version v3.6.23

Here is my mongorestore syntax

mongorestore --host “$host” --username $username --password $password --authenticationDatabase admin --gzip --archive=$backupfile --nsInclude ‘KALYANMONGOPRD.’ --nsFrom=‘KALYANMONGOPRD.’ --nsTo=‘KALYANMONGOSTG.*’ --nsExclude ‘KALYANMONGOPRD.DeviceCollection’ --drop