Error with connect Atlas from Shell or Compass

Hi everybody,
I can not connect to my Atlas neither from Shell nor Compass,
I used in IP white list.
some of the errors in Shell are:

W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] DNS resolution while connecting to

I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Cannot reach any nodes for set atlas-2029eb-shard-0

what should I do?

Show us the connect string you used
Is it SRV or a different one?

May be your network not supporting SRV type if you have tried that

PS:I can connect to your cluster

This is my connect string for MongoDB Shell:

mongo “mongodb+srv://” --username hamid --password saadi

PS: I created the hamid username with the saadi password and the atlasAdmin role.



I used these two connect string for MongoDB Compass, but in both cases this error comes:


PS: I cannot ping It says: Request timed out.

Can you connect by shell?
Looks like network issue.Are you connected to VPN
Did you try from another location or mobile hotspot

I can connect by shell and Compass with the connect strings you provided

No I cannot connect by shell,
I am not connected to VPN,
I connect from Iran, I use both wifi (ADSL) and mobile hotspot.

What can I do if there is a network issue?

It is highly likely there is some US embargo being enforced. Though why you could access the cloud console?

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I do think so too.
I could access the cloud console and Atlas without issue.

Wow, I connected to Atlas by installing a VPN :slightly_smiling_face:

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