Error: Could not find the Realm binary. with

I am creating a new app that will use Expo 49 and realm. However, I am getting the Error: Could not find the Realm binary. error when running the app on expo go. Here are the step to repo:

  1. Create a new project using expo init MyAwesomeRealmApp --template @realm/expo-template
  2. run npx expo start

When the app compile, Error: Could not find the Realm binary. Please consult our troubleshooting guide:, js engine: hermes show up.

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Can someone hear here? I am stuck with same problem; on my own project I am facing with same problem. My related dependencies are below:
“dependencies”: {
@realm/react”: “^0.6.1”,
“expo”: “^49.0.13”,
“react-native”: “0.72.6”,
“realm”: “^12.2.1”;

After running “expo-cli start --tunnel”, and scan qr code with my iphone, I get “Could not find the Realm binary.” error.

@Chongju_Mai @Tuna_DAG Follow the link from the error. There is an expo section. Follow these steps to compile realm into Expo. You will not be able to use Expo Go for this, as we are not included in the base SDK for Expo.


Thank you for fast reply. For my situation, I understood that problem source is “expo-cli start --tunnel” command, as you stated. I tried with emulator, its working.