Enable security in replication all node in recovering mode how reslove to normal mode in mongodb in windows server 2016

enable security in replication all node in recovering mode how reslove to normal mode in mongodb in windows server 2016

Hello @Hemanth_Perepi_1 ,

To understand your use case better, could you please share more details such as:

  • MongoDB Version
  • What are you trying to achieve in above scenario?
  • How are you enabling security in your replica set?
  • Are you following any official MongoDB documentation to enable security? If yes, then please share the link for reference and after which step are you seeing the issue?
  • What is the exact issue/error that you see in logs?
  • Output of rs.status()
  • What I understand is that in the replica set, all nodes are RECOVERING. Is this correct?
  • Any config files and the output of db.adminCommand({getCmdLineOpts:1})
  • Logs from the affected mongod

Each member of a replica set has a state. To learn about different states of replica set please refer
