DateTrunc in aggregate pipeline not recognized for App Services

I am developing a React Web application with a Realm backend written in typescript, that is connected to a cluster of version 5.0.14
I am trying to run a aggregate query on a timeseries collection using the DateTrunc operator;

const aggregateQuery = [
    '$match': {
      'metadata.datapointId': idQuery,
      "time": {
        "$gte": fromTime,
        "$lte": toTime
    '$group': {
      '_id': {
        'truncatedDate': {
          '$dateTrunc': {
            'date': '$time',
            'unit': 'hour',
            'binSize': aggregatationIntervalHours
        'name': '$'
      'avg': {
        '$avg': '$value'
      'max': {
        '$max': '$value'
      'min': {
        '$min': '$value'
      'count': {
        '$count': {}
  }, {
    '$project': {
      'name': '$',
      'truncatedDate': '$_id.truncatedDate',
      'avg': '$avg',
      'max': '$max',
      'min': '$min',
      'count': '$count'
  }, {
    '$sort': {
      'truncatedDate': 1

This query results in the following error

in the logs of the Realm application.

This query works in MongoDB compass, and when using the Node JS MongoDB drivers. I am using realm-web version 2.0.0 (realm-web - npm) in my react application. The same error seems to occur for other operators released in MongoDB 5.0, e.g. dateSubtract, which seems odd since the cluster in question is version 5.0.14

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