Data resisdes on single shard, not distributing across two shards

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to create a 2 shards with 3 replica sets on each and config server with 3 replicas

Below is my code

Config server:

start mongod --configsvr  --port 28041 --bind_ip localhost --replSet config_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\configsrv
start mongod --configsvr  --port 28042 --bind_ip localhost --replSet config_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\configsrv1
start mongod --configsvr  --port 28043 --bind_ip localhost --replSet config_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\configsrv2
mongosh --host localhost  --port 28041
rsconf = {
		  _id: "config_repl",
		  members: [
			 _id: 0,
			 host: "localhost:28041"
			 _id: 1,
			 host: "localhost:28042"
			 _id: 2,
			 host: "localhost:28043"

Shard server 1:

	start mongod --shardsvr --port 28081 --bind_ip localhost --replSet shard_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\shardrep1
	start mongod --shardsvr --port 28082 --bind_ip localhost --replSet shard_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\shardrep2
	start mongod --shardsvr --port 28083 --bind_ip localhost --replSet shard_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\shardrep3
	mongosh --host localhost  --port 28081
	rsconf = {
		  _id: "shard_repl",
		  members: [
			 _id: 0,
			 host: "localhost:28081"
			 _id: 1,
			 host: "localhost:28082"
			 _id: 2,
			 host: "localhost:28083"

Shard server 2:

	start mongod --shardsvr --port 29081 --bind_ip localhost --replSet shard2_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\shard2rep1
	start mongod --shardsvr --port 29082 --bind_ip localhost --replSet shard2_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\shard2rep2
	start mongod --shardsvr --port 29083 --bind_ip localhost --replSet shard2_repl --dbpath C:\mongo_shard\sharding_demo\shard2rep3
	mongosh --host localhost  --port 29081
	rsconf = {
		  _id: "shard2_repl",
		  members: [
			 _id: 0,
			 host: "localhost:29081"
			 _id: 1,
			 host: "localhost:29082"
			 _id: 2,
			 host: "localhost:29083"


mongos --configdb config_repl/localhost:28041,localhost:28042,localhost:28043 --port 47024

Connect to the Sharded Cluster

	mongosh --host localhost --port 47024
	sh.addShard( "shard_repl/localhost:28081,localhost:28082,localhost:28083")
	sh.addShard( "shard2_repl/localhost:29081,localhost:29082,localhost:29083")

	sh.enableSharding("db")		--- users is a database name 	




If you see below the data resisdes on single shard server only not on shard 2 server

Shard shard_repl at shard_repl/localhost:28081,localhost:28082,localhost:28083
  data: '231.71MiB',
  docs: 499998,
  chunks: 1,
  'estimated data per chunk': '231.71MiB',
  'estimated docs per chunk': 499998
  data: '231.71MiB',
  docs: 499998,
  chunks: 1,
  'Shard shard_repl': [
    '100 % data',
    '100 % docs in cluster',
    '485B avg obj size on shard'

Even i tried splitAt command, but it was not working

can someone please look in to this

Hi @praneeth_kumar

Per the getting started readme > There are no SLAs or guarantees of response. Commercial support plans are available from MongoDB if you require one.

The balancer will only migrate data when the the migration threshold is reached.

Next steps would to check the balancer is enabled. Providing the following can help the community users assist further:

  • MongoDB Version
  • Output of sh.status()
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