Data api updateMany within an array

Hi there,

I’m struggling to figure out a way to update items within an array via the data-api. I’ve got an array (emailVerifyStatus) with 3 items in it and I want to search for all the items named ‘ready’ and change them to ‘uploading’.

  "emailVerifyStatus": [

I’m using the end point ‘/data/beta/action/updateMany’ with the following code that’s working without an array.


However this code is not working within an array. Do you have any Advice? Thank you.


I assume that’s what your array looks like:

 "emailVerifyStatus": [

To update all the array elements, use the all positional $[] operator
for example, your $set stage can look like this:


if you want to update just matching array elements "emailVerifyStatus":"ready" use the filtered positional operator

     {arrayFilters: [{"element":"ready"}]

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