'crypto' module: error in Realm function when using verifyAccessToken

We have created a function in Realm Service of MongoDB atlas.

We are passing an okta generated access token to this function to get it verified.

We are using below code in the function

const claims = oktaJwtVfr.verifyAccessToken(’$oktaaccesstoken’,‘api://default’);

But we are getting below error when we call this function.

“error”: “‘crypto’ module: error verifying message”,
“error_code”: “FunctionExecutionError”,
“link”: “App Services
We have added ‘@okta/jwt-verifier’ dependency in the code.
Any suggestion please ?

@Sumedha_Mehta1 : Your views and suggestions please.

I don’t suppose you solved this issue? I’m having the same issue using the jasonwebtoken library. Any help would be appreciated