Crash reporting?

A crash report from one of our customers hit the following at the bottom of the stack trace:

please_report_this_issue_in_github_realm_realm_core_v_12_6_0 (terminate.cpp:65)

I thought I’d check before blundering in with error reports - does that mean this event should be reported as an issue here?

Hi @Ralph_Wessel,

Yes, that is the correct GItHub repo for Realm core issues. If you are signed into GitHub and create a new issue there is a template for Crash Reports: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

You should see something similar to the following:

#### SDK and version
SDK : ? (Cocoa, Java, etc)
Version: ?

#### Observations
* How frequent do the crash occur?
* Does it happen in production or during dev/test?
* Can the crash be reproduced by you?
* Can you provide instructions for how we can reproduce it?

#### Crash log / stacktrace
<!-- The full stack trace. -->

#### Steps & Code to Reproduce
<!-- What steps/operations resulted in the crash? Please show any relevant code or steps that WE can
<!-- use to reproduce it. Even better is a full sample project that can reproduce the crash. -->
<!-- Code and files can be shared privately at if needed. -->


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