Convert sql query in mongodb type with pymongo

Hello guys i am wondering if i have correctly converted this sql query into mongodb type.I get less results in mongodb.
The sql query is this:

"select * from oneindextwocolumns where timestamp1>='2010-01-01 00:05:00' and timestamp1<='2015-01-01 00:05:00' and id13>5 "

And i have converted it like this:

    {"samples.timestamp1": {"$gte": datetime.strptime("2010-01-01 00:05:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                               "$lte": datetime.strptime("2015-01-01 00:05:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")},

    {"samples.$": 1 })

My mongodb data look like this :

{'_id': ObjectId('6068da8878fa2e568c42c7f1'),
 'samples': [{'c14': 'C',
              'id1': 3758.0,
              'id10': 0.0,
              'id11': 274.0,
              'id12': 0.0,
              'id13': 7.5,
              'id15': 0.0,
              'id16': 73.0,
              'id17': 0.0,
              'id18': 0.342,
              'id19': 6.3,
              'id20': 1206.0,
              'id21': 0.0,
              'id22': 0.87,
              'id23': 0.0,
              'id6': 2.0,
              'id7': -79.09,
              'id8': 35.97,
              'id9': 5.8,
              'timestamp1': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 24, 14, 5),
              'timestamp2': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 24, 9, 5)},
             {'c14': 'C',
              'id1': 3758.0,
              'id10': 0.0,
              'id11': 288.0,
              'id12': 0.0,
              'id13': 8.4,
              'id15': 0.0,
              'id16': 71.0,
              'id17': 0.0,
              'id18': 0.342,
              'id19': 6.3,
              'id20': 1207.0,
              'id21': 0.0,
              'id22': 0.69,
              'id23': 0.0,
              'id6': 2.0,
              'id7': -79.09,
              'id8': 35.97,
              'id9': 6.2,
              'timestamp1': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 24, 14, 10),
              'timestamp2': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 24, 9, 10)},

What do you think?Is position projection helping here?
Thanks in advance!